We instantly fell in love and found them very easy to take care of, so began increasing our herd size.We purchased some breeding females and stud males from local Alpaca breeders. We now have 35 Alpacas in our herd, all registered with the British Alpaca Society (BAS).

We strictly follow guidelines set by the BAS, to provide the highest standard of animal welfare.
By breeding happy, healthy, and loved Alpacas, we can utilize the softness and versatility of Alpaca wool.

As well as this, we also create garments, soft toys and felted items for sale, to demonstrate what can be achieved with Alpaca wool.
We have colours available in white, fawn, and brown.

The Basics
There are two breeds of Alpaca, both belonging to the Camelid family: Huacaya (Wah-ki-ah) and Suri. We mostly keep Huacaya.
The adult males are called Machos, and the babies are called Cria.
The females are pregnant for around 335 days. Being kind and considerate animals, they usually give birth in daylight hours.
There are 22 recognised colours of Alpaca wool, including white – fawn – grey – brown and black. Their fleece is hypo-allergenic and much softer than sheep wool.
Alpacas are quiet and calming animals, with a gentle nature and kind personality. They are easy to handle and with some training can be halter trained.
Alpacas have a strong herding instinct, so it’s essential that they live with at least 2 other Alpacas.
Alpaca Care
This information is purely advisory, and should not replace any information you may receive from your vet.
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